Cosby High School Visit – April 26, 2016

Cosby High School

On April 29, 2016, Phillip Brashear shared the life and values of the late Master Chief, Master Diver (retired) Carl Brashear to a group of Cosby High School students in Midlothian, Va. Phillip showed videos of the late Carl Brashear in a local news interview, a dedication of the Newport News Fireboat in 2005, and the christening ceremony of the USNS Carl Brashear in 2008. Phillip then held a discussion of the life-lessons he learned from his parents and the impact it had on his life.

The students involved belong to English teachers Heather Leckie and Sarah Herman as part of their continued education on bigotry and the power of prejudice in American society. Heather Leckie initiated the learning experience by having the kids read Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, and hold discussions on the impact of what they read in the novel.

The group was inspired as they witness the intensity to achieve, despite all of the obstacles placed in Carl Brashear’s way. Phillip shared with them that Carl overcame illiteracy, poverty, racism, physical disability, and an eventual alcohol addiction before finally reaching the goals he set for himself in life. One of the school’s administrators, Katina Schoolfield was also in attendance.

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