Brashear Foundation Presents First Ever ‘Military Diver of the Year Award’

By Tony Palm – Public Relations/Development Officer for the Carl Brashear Foundation From L to R: CWO Phillip Brashear, ND1 Spencer Puett, Tony Palm, USN Ret. At the annual Military Divers Training Continuum in Panama City, FL, with over 200 active-duty Navy Divers in attendance, Phillip Brashear, President of the Carl Brashear Foundation, presented the first annual Military Diver of the Year Award to Navy Diver First Class (DSW/EXW) Spencer Puett. Brashear, son of legendary Master Diver (MDV) Carl Brashear, the Navy Diver whose life was immortalized in the movie, Men of Honor, is an Read More…
Fisher House Foundation is Donation Recipient – April 27, 2015
Son of Honor – 2015

By Sgt. 1st Class Phillip Eugene, 80th Training Command (TASS) Public Affairs A U.S. Navy sailor fits Master Chief Petty Officer Carl Brashear with a diving suit prior to a training mission. Brashear overcame racism and became the first African-American to graduate from the U.S. Diving and Salvage School. People don’t have to like you, but if you’re competent at your job then they have to respect you. That’s the message Chief Warrant Officer Phillip Brashear wanted the Reserve Soldiers and civilians of the 80th Training Command (TASS) headquarters to walk away with, after he Read More…
Why Carl Brashear Continues to Inspire – 2015

And how his example of courage and determination changed my life. By Tony Palm BMC (SW/DV) USN (Ret) Lloyd Bridges of ‘Sea Hunt’ from TV Guide From my childhood in the early 1960’s, I was mesmerized by deep sea diving. Movies and television were capitalizing on technology developed during WWII which had recently been made available for the first time to recreational divers. The Undersea World Jacques Cousteau, National Geographic Specials, and James Bond’s Thunderball, captivated audiences and flamed underwater exploration. But by far, my favorite was, Sea Hunt with Lloyd Bridges, who played former Read More…
Men of Honor Screening – February 10, 2012

Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs Juan Garcia presented Phillip Brashear with a letter of appreciation. On February 10, 2012, the Pentagon in Washington D.C. honored the late Master Chief and Master Diver Carl Brashear with a movie viewing of ‘Men of Honor’ in the Pentagon auditorium. The announcement was sent to all military and government employees in the Pentagon and surrounding areas. There was also an informative session before the movie. The presentation was given by retired Navy Diver CWO4 Les Burke and Carl Brashear’s son, Army Helicopter pilot CW4 Read More…
Carl Brashear’s Life Celebration – July 25th, 2011

On July 25th, 2011 the Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek – Fort Story Brashear Conference Center held a ‘Life Celebration’ of Navy Master Diver Boatswain Mate Master Chief Carl M. Brashear Captain Charles Stuppard, Commander, JEB Little Creek-Ft Story, and his fine staff hosted this event in extraordinary fashion. Serving as the keynote speaker of the event was the Honorable L. Douglas Wilder, former Governor of the State of Virginia and the first elected African-American Governor in the United States. Additional speakers included Admiral John C. Harvey, Jr. Commander, United States Fleet Forces Command, Rear Read More…
African-American Heritage Parade – May 24, 2009

(The following is an excerpt from the official Newark, New Jersey Press Release) Newark, NJ – May 24, 2009 – Mayor Cory A. Booker, Governor Jon. S. Corzine, African-American Heritage Parade Committee Chairman Donald Bernard, Honorary Grand Marshals Reverend Levin B. West and Pastor Dolores A. Watson and other city, county and state dignitaries led the 43rd Annual African American Heritage Statewide Parade up Broad Street from Lincoln Park to Military Park today in New Jersey’s largest celebration of African American heritage. African-American Heritage Parade Governor Corzine emphasized how important it is to pay tribute Read More…
The Brashear Conference Center April 1, 2009

The Brashear Conference Center On April 1, 2009, the Little Creek Naval Amphibious Base located in Virginia Beach, Va. opened their newest conference center. The building formerly known as the Chief Petty Officer’s Club, endured a complete $880,000 renovation and was named the Brashear Conference Center in honor of the late Master Chief and Master Diver Carl Brashear. The new conference center boasts a large ballroom with seating up to 500 and a Room of Honor with seating up to 130. The Commanding Officer of Little Creek, Captain William Crow was present to dedicate the Read More…
Warrior Transition Battalion – Ft Knox, Kentucky March 18, 2009

The Warrior Transition Battalion Unit Ministry Team headed by Chaplain (MAJ) Jim Boyle and SGT Anita Ellerbe welcomed Phillip Brashear to Ft Knox Kentucky March 18, 2009. Farley Brashear, Chaplain Boyle, Phillip Brashear, and Lawrence Wade Phillip arrived at Ft Knox around 2pm on March 18th and hit the ground running with Chaplain Boyle visiting soldiers in the Ireland Army Community Hospital, the Warrior Transition Battalion, the 5th Squadron, 15th Cavalry Regiment Bible Study group (at the O’Neil Chapel) and eventually addressing the Soldiers and family of the graduating class of new Armored Cavalry Scouts, Read More…