“A Navy diver with helmet and diving suit was sent out to the ship and went down about 50 feet to attach lines to the plane,” Mr. Brashear once told a Norfolk reporter. “Everyone on ship was looking at him. No one had ever paid much attention to me. I immediately thought that diving was something I wanted to do.”

Tribute to Carl Brashear from motion picture MEN OF HONOR
Tribute to Carl Brashear from motion picture MEN OF HONOR

Tribute to Carl Brashear from motion picture MEN OF HONOR

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Carl Brashear showed the world that Racism, Illiteracy, Poverty, Physical Disability, and Substance Abuse cannot defeat the Human Spirit. These were the “Five Hurdles” that he overcame to become one of the most celebrated American Naval Sailors. In today’s world, the “Five Hurdles” are still present and affect every country.